2025-03-01 04:21:00 +0000 UTC
(6 hr. ago)
512 (1.0599 ETH)
Slashings P / A:
0 / 0
Correct Target Votes:
35396830 ETH of
38412896 ETH
Correct Head Votes:
35378558 ETH of
38412896 ETH
Total Votes:
35398718 ETH of
38412896 ETH
Sync Participation:
89.26 % (only counting proposed blocks)
Avg. Validator Balance:
32.0036 ETH
(32 Proposed)
Epoch | Slot | Status | Time | Proposer | Attestations |
Tx Count | Sync Agg % | Graffiti |
500 | 16031 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-nethermind-3 | 64 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 5 | 92.19% | lighthouse-nethermind-3 |
500 | 16030 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-geth-70 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | prysm-geth-70 |
500 | 16029 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | 1016281 | 64 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | Grandine/1.0.0-e7caccb |
500 | 16028 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-nethermind-40 | 64 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 200 | 92.19% | lighthouse-nethermind-40 |
500 | 16027 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | teku-geth-33 | 64 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 6 | 92.19% | teku-geth-33 TK8180GEc8c6 |
500 | 16026 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | 1136017 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 200 | 92.19% | Attestant/Vouch |
500 | 16025 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-geth-17 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 6 | 92.19% | prysm-geth-17 |
500 | 16024 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | teku-besu-14 | 65 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 200 | 92.19% | teku-besu-14 TK8180BUcbab |
500 | 16023 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | nimbus-geth-17 | 66 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 6 | 92.19% | nimbus-geth-17 |
500 | 16022 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-geth-49 | 64 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 200 | 92.19% | lighthouse-geth-49 |
500 | 16021 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-besu-24 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 6 | 92.19% | prysm-besu-24 |
500 | 16020 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | teku-nethermind-6 | 66 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 200 | 92.19% | teku-nethermind-6 TK8180NMa733 |
500 | 16019 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-geth-37 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 6 | 92.19% | prysm-geth-37 |
500 | 16018 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | nimbus-besu-2 | 67 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 168 | 92.19% | nimbus-besu-2 |
500 | 16017 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | 1006944 | 66 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 37 | 92.19% | RH1e96LH1888 |
500 | 16016 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-nethermind-47 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 0% | prysm-nethermind-47 |
500 | 16015 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-geth-39 | 66 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | lighthouse-geth-39 |
500 | 16014 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-erigon-1 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 4 | 92.19% | prysm-erigon-1 |
500 | 16013 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lodestar-nethermind-2 | 103 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | lodestar-nethermind-2 |
500 | 16012 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | nimbus-geth-11 | 69 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | nimbus-geth-11 |
500 | 16011 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | teku-besu-6 | 73 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | teku-besu-6 TK81802fd6BUcbabf877 |
500 | 16010 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | teku-nethermind-27 | 119 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | teku-nethermind-27 TK8180NMa733 |
500 | 16009 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-geth-74 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | prysm-geth-74 |
500 | 16008 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-geth-15 | 68 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | lighthouse-geth-15 |
500 | 16007 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | 1105585 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | Attestant/Vouch |
500 | 16006 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-geth-36 | 69 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | lighthouse-geth-36 |
500 | 16005 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-geth-24 | 66 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | lighthouse-geth-24 |
500 | 16004 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-besu-7 | 69 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 92.19% | lighthouse-besu-7 |
500 | 16003 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-geth-61 | 92 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | 92.19% | lighthouse-geth-61 |
500 | 16002 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | lighthouse-besu-11 | 87 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 206 | 91.6% | lighthouse-besu-11 |
500 | 16001 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-besu-9 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 6 | 91.21% | prysm-besu-9 |
500 | 16000 | Proposed | 6 hr. ago | prysm-nethermind-46 | 128 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 200 | 92.19% | prysm-nethermind-46 |